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A couple of backwards recording techniques have been used on some of TR's work. Here I've captured some and reversed them so you don't have to. In "Eternal Love" from Ra (segment from 1:50 to 2:50), the phrases "Love", "Eternal Love" and "Oceans of Eternal Love" can be heard. "How About A Little Fanfare" from Todd was recorded in the forward direction with Todd speaking backwards. From "Everybody Else Is Wrong" there's a bit of backwards guitar. And another large segment duplicating The Beatles' "Rain" ending (this one from Faithful). Finally, a new entry from Singring, it's Todd guitar solo (12:36-13:26). I didn't even realize this was backwards, until "Zippy" pointed it out. Thanks Zippy!And just to prove I've gone completely nuts, here are three samples that demonstrate other studio tricks, in this case alternate speeds. The first is from "Singring and the Glass Guitar", and has the narrator slowed down to normal speech. The second is from "Fair Warning" and has Todd's voice speeded back up so that it sounds fairly normal. The third is a speeded up clip of the initial spoken phrase at the beginning of "Saving Grace".