The Sporadically Updated
Unimaginatively Maintained
Quazi-Personal Diary
Todd Rundgren

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May 29
Memorial Day

It's about 4:30pm, about halfway through a work day that started at 10am. Though the band has the day off, I can't play any volleyball cause it screws up my fingers and I have to work anyway so it's ass in chair time. It is a high stress regimen trying to complete CD+ content, rehearse the band, organize and stock an interactive music forum and a web site, build a CD ROM press kit and attend to personal hygene. Something will have to be sacrificed.

The most pressing matter is the CD+, being so breathlessly awaited and all. I am quite happy about the additional content, but it's more trouble to make than the music was. A lot of wheel reinvention so hopefully it's only a startup problem. Our own content deadlines are becoming irrelevant as various regulatory, licensing and corporate entities have separate timetables which could effect everyone in the game.

Wait. The most pressing matter is the Music In(tr)Action forum, which has to be fully online by the 12th of June (expo day). It occurs to me that I have yet to write the introduction that explains exactly what interactive music is. I'll get around to it.

No. The most pressing thing has to be rehearsals. As usual, we're having trouble communicating our desires to the goddam equipment and, this being a holiday weekend, there's no one at the designated help desk to guide us. And also as usual, vocals are a bitch.

But the most pressing thing must be the thing I put on hold 3 months ago- the next version of the interactive music player so I won't have remixed AWATS for nothing. No, that's not it.

It's to get to the end of this sentence and get back to work.