NOTICE: This is but a smidgen of the vast archive of (almost) free stuff that will be available from the Music In(tr)Action forum on Compuserve beginning June 1.
"If Not Now, When?", the first single from the Individualist. The radio edit, and it hasn't even arrived at radio!
4:09 / 22khz / 8bit / mono / AIFF / @5.4 meg
"If Not Now, When?", the last 4 choruses.
:55 / 22khz / 8bit / mono / AIFF / @1.2 meg
"If Not Now, When?", the last 4 choruses at 11 khz.
:55 / 11khz / 8bit / mono / AIFF / @.6 meg
the Individualist signature cover graphic.
1024 x 1024 / RGB / JPG / @182 kb
the Individualist signature cover graphic. A somewhat smaller file.
256 x 256 / 16bit / PICT / @76 kb
Change Myself, a Quicktime excerpt of my first computer animated music video.
160 x 120 / 11khz / 8 bit / mono / @2.4 meg
Song Lyrics to If Not Now, When? and The Individualist.
TEXT / @2 kb