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Commentary: I thought that since Todd Rundgren is mainly considered the "front man" and driving force of Utopia, that it behooved me as an artist to give due credit to the other members of the group, without whose gifted contributions the band would not have had the sound that it did..

I'm not sure if a lot of fans are quite aware how much Roger Powell's input really shaped the sound of the band, and when Keyboardist Magazine did an article on Todd, they should have followed up with Roger, whose keyboard skills are not only sterling, but whose knowledge of programming definitely outstrips that of the "Wizard".. Without Roger's creative assistance on Initiation, "A Treatise On Cosmic Fire" would probably not have panned out as it did..

So I did this piece of artwork on behalf of the Third Brave Lad whose journey through the Forest of Flames signalled the end of the Fire Breathing Dragon...
Caption: Each One In A World of His Own
Artist: Rob Garrett
Website: The Ikon

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