When Todd touched me... and I felt it when I fainted in his arms... Unbelievably, Cathy and I were in the right place when Al asked if we would help him out by sitting at the Tiki lounge for the Cols show. Help HIM out!
My musical lifelong hero only paces from me performing with his usual naturally engaging, wonderful and incredible talent. The unfortunate hangover was immediately predictable....how could I go back to floor level ever again? Todd, Kasim,John, Prarie and Jesse were all inches away. Todd even let me - check his references during The Individualist! What a performance considering how wretched he felt as he later admitted at the meet and great. Got the first autograph of my life at age 41.67. The only one I care about!
Immediately talked my wonderful wife, and now huge TR fan, into going to Cincinnati on the following Sunday. Arrived early and after bolting for the stage sought out officer AL to get a seat at the Tiki bar again. I'd like to think experience and knowing all the words didn't hurt!ت Came onto the stage halfway through I SAW THE LIGHT and some folks in the audience cheered. THANKS!!!!!! Still couldn't believe my luck as poor TR truly toughed out his beleagured vacal cords and still sounded great! Talk about your REAL MAN!
I would kill for a pic of us on stage at either show but.... I have Sweeter Memories that can't be replaced. Will likely spend rest of life savings going to St. Pete for the Mar 1 show. So Al ... we are experienced props with two shows under our belts... and we could never stand in a crowd again without crying....
Doug & Caith - dougcat@sprynet