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Cast The First Stone - Hints

A B I G thanks to Liz Wilkinson of the USA for the following tips - if you have any more questions or tips, please send them along !!

Date sent:        Mon, 18 Dec 1995 17:44:13 -0800
From:             Liz Wilkinson  
Subject:          Re: CTFS Game - 5th Level?
To:               Kenny 

>* Do you '+' zoom in on the different levels - this cuts down the 
>'travel' time of the rock etc to the tartgets ....

I "-" or "+" to whatever feels like it flows the smoothest, to where I 
don't have to struggle and/or to where it doesn't go TOO fast either.  
To what degree, differs for me, on each level.

>* I can usually shoot the 'baddies' when/if they appear - I seem to 
>wander round level 2, at top speed,  looking for the baddies ...

Okay, what I've found is that the 'baddies' generally stay in the same 
vacinity you initially find them.  When you find a 'baddie' & shoot 
him, don't, then go searching all over for him or the others.  Either 
stay put and they'll come to you or go backwards a little bit, but not 
too far -- don't get out of the general vacinity.

If you get to the 2nd level & don't see a 'baddie' immediately, take 
the 1st lefthand long hallway (backwards) & they'll usually appear.

I try to get through the 1st level before Todd ever starts singing.  
Then the next 2 levels as quick as possible (since you're on a time 
limit) because you'll need as much time as you can conserve for that 
weird 4th level.  Again, on the 4th level, don't go searching, if 
they're there & you shoot 'em, stay in that area.

Obviously, if you can stick with Bob Tilton, that's your best bet, 
since he's worth 450 points per hit vs. Rush at 150 per hit (again, due 
to the time limit of the game).  You want to get as many points as 
possible as fast as possible.  

Dec. issue of Fusion magazine says there's a 5th level.  I haven't 
found it & my high score is 15,000.  I hope someone can use this 
information and solve this unsolved mystery!!