I have invented a new word, 'wab'. It is accronymical for 'will always be' which is short for 'is, was, always will be'. Some things are just wab (it's an adjective, pronounced 'wob')- seemingly insensitive to change. I suppose it could also function as a noun. Larry King is such a wob. Things wabbly/wobbly would take on a new meaning- not just implied instability but the equal flaw of over-stability.
Speaking of wobbliness, it is always hard to tell about the location of the vortex that makes it impossible to be timely on the net. Perhaps it is an upsurge of the occcurence in this quadrant of tachyon pulses (time particles, if you believe in that kind of crap). I date a document, but by the time I get a clear channel to FTP it to it's proper location, it could be days later. Let the nightmare begin. Do I redate everything, even though I wrote it [X] days ago? Do I revise the docs because I know I no longer agree with myself? Do I discard and start over? Do I indulge my root inclination to do dick?
But I digress. What is the sucking entity? My modem? My modem software? The line in the hotel? The line in Nebraska? The long distance service? My evil bastard, spawn of Falwell, Zima drinking, ill prepared for the demand, can't remember the goddam name, you know who you are, lose my address, I think my keyboard's caving in Internet service provider? Sorry, I believe I have exceeded the available bandwidth. Unexpected PPC Shutdown. Reconnect?
So yeah, we're finally on the bus. It's epiphanal in that we have all placed our lives in the hands of a single person. It's hard to find people like that, who don't freak out at the idea. I remember driving the bus once (not this bus). It's easy if you don't think about it. But that's always the hard part- not thinking about it.
We have purchased MANY fireworks this day, with which we intend to lubricate our J4 celebrations. St. Louis I believe. Party On!