Hey Roger, just wanted to convey a story to you regarding my encounter with Todd. It was back in 1989 I think, (there have been so many shows). Nearly Human Tour, Ventura Theater, Ventura Calif. After putting on a stellar performance, Todd and his band came out for an encore or two. He started to play "I Love My Life". Shortly thereafter, my friend Ken and I were sort of invited on stage to share in the song with him and Bobby Womack. Awesome, I think Ken and I took turns at the mike with Todd and Bobby. After what seemed like an eternity, it was a very long song, singing and dancing on stage. My friend Ken wanders on over to Vince Welnick's keyboards, and proceeds to lift the playlist off of the keyboard. By now the sweat is pouring off of the both of us, and the song winds down. We got to take a bow with Todd and the rest of the gang, for what turns out to be one of the more memorable encounters of many with Todd. Thank you for allowing me to share this Kodak moment with you and the many Toddheads out there. It is one I will never forget, ever.