Cleveland Agora 10/13/2012

Review by Rick Reddout (Switch to

I have been lucky to attend some great Todd shows in the last several years. From AWATS, Todd/Healing, and the Utopia shows in Akron and the Rockford symphony shows it has been an impressive array of professional and high quality performances.

Not so much with the October 13th Unpredictable show. The only thing unpredictable about this show was that I never would have predicted that the performance would be so shoddy. Even the set list, purported to be "unpredictable, was for the most part the same as the previous shows from earlier this year. The whole show created the impression that it had been planned out and rehearsed in less than 15 minutes. How much time can you waste on Loren Greene? We had to sit through an entire recording of the Bonanza guy while Todd mugged and made what he considered to be witty comments. The set list was pedestrian and predictable.

The venue itself has seen better days. While it is a classic theater with a great history, it is in need of a major face lift before somebody gets hurt. The sound...pathetic.

I didn't even mind the Romney jokes although the "You're So Vain" parody was neither creative nor funny.

Hopefully the Ethel/Todd shows will get back to the quality I have grown to expect.

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10/13/2012 - Agora - Cleveland, OH

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