Utopia Tower Theater 11/19/11 review

Review by Kevin Hug (Switch to

After reading previous reviews and never knowing just how 'on' Todd is gonna be at any given night I was a bit skeptical. That all went out the window after the first few bars of Utopia Theme...the band and TR sounded amazing! This was hands down the best guitar playing I've ever seen from him -- noticed maybe two very minor flubs the whole night...and no broken strings to boot! He nailed all the complex guitar parts even while singing...and his vocals were as good as I've ever heard. What really impressed me was Kevin Ellman and John Siegler -- just an incredible rhthym section and considering that Ellman is no longer a professional musician he sure lived up to the part. Ralph Shuckett played perhaps the biggest role of the night pulling out what I assume was a combination of he and Moogy's parts...with Kasim also chiming in on keys. Having Jesse and Kas there for vocals and random percussion was a great idea and really filled out the sound -- Jesse seemed like he was living out a boyhood dream backing Todd up on The Seven Rays.

There was some slight distraction with the glowstick thing as people were frantically handing out the bracelets to the correct rows during the opening of the show but once that stopped all was well... and Todd did mention how "ethereal" the crowd looked. Not sure if we made it into the Guinness records book as the show was not entirely sold out. What I do know is that those in the first few rows were pelted with hundreds of the bracelets as they all became projectiles after the closing notes of Just One Victory! Quite an ending to an amazing night...with much heartfelt credit to Moogy for being the catalyst of this whole reunion. I'm sure he is proud up in 'Utopia".

Being a somewhat younger Todd fan I was not around to see any of the 70's (or 80's for that matter) tours...but after seeing Utopia Saturday night plus AWATS in Akron in 2009 and Todd/ Healing last year it's like time travel! As it's been stated here before -- it's a great time to be a Todd fan! Now just wondering what is to come next??

Other reviews for Todd Rundgren Dates
11/19/2011 - Tower Theater - Upper Darby, PA

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