Review 11-10-11 Durham

Review by Bargamon (Switch to

Todd at first impression tonite: "Honey Badger John LIthgow dressed like 70's Asian lady impersonating Elvis on acid"

Set list no surprise.

Im going to estimate I have seen Todd about 10-12 times since 1978 and saw Utopia about 3 times but never with this lineup. Siegler does a fine job on bass and Shuck was very good. The sound got muddled a bit. Kasim and Jesse filled in nice. There was a lot of talent with those two but they were just along for some backing vocals and some keyboard filler. Had to explain to guests just how talented Jesse is.

Then there is the Financial Planner himself drumming and was over his head. Lets be real, most good ProgRock has good drummers. Kevin Ellman is not very good. He was behind and scared. You can tell he was out of his league.

Todd was amazing and kept it going. I am very grateful after all these years to finally hear "Another Live" in person. He is still at the top of his game and it was a fun nite to turn back the clock and see this!

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11/10/2011 - Carolina Theatre - Durham, NC

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