BB Kings Sept 13
Review by George Reigel (Switch to
I want to begin by saying that BB Kings has lousy acoustics and/or a lousy sound system. Also, I have been reading reviews of other recent Todd concerts and it seems as though he has been ill for awhile now. He was hacking into a towel that he had onstage and alternately using the same towel to mop his fevered brow. His voice was no where near what I have heard from Todd, because of his apparent illness. I hope he recovers soon. I am glad that he soldiered through the set, he had some shining moments, especially toward the end of the show, when he got off the stool, picked up his guitar played some rockers. I will always be a fan, and I look forward to seeing him when he is well again. Keep on rockin' , Todd!
Other reviews for Todd Rundgren Dates
9/13/2011 - B.B. Kings Blues Club and Grill - New York, NY
Other reviews for overall Todd Rundgren