I would have dearly loved to attend The Clowes Hall concert on my birthday on the beautiful campus where I graduated, Butler University, (Go Dawgs). Instead I had to settle for the internet show.
What an incredible performance. A few missed notes, complete with a little grin from OH as they happened, but what a show and what a band. There were so many highlights from the Todd album. The Last Ride, Everybody's Going To Heaven, Useless Begging, Sidewalk Cafe, Izzat Love & Don't You Ever Learn were my faves.
The Todd album was what I was excited about as my 3 favorite albums are AWATS, Todd & TR's Utopia. I had always dismissed Healing as not one of the best, but it really came alive in concert. The chorus was magnificent. I will be spinning my vinyl copy again and again now. Not a performace blemish to be heard on Healing.
I can't say this was the best Todd concert I've seen, but it was very close. I was fortunate enough to see him play TR's Utopia front & center in 1974 in Evansville, IN. It was so good I drove to Chicago to see it again 5 days later. Hearing The Icon, all 34 minutes, note for note perfect was unforgettable highlight along with the other songs of the era.
Thank you Todd, Michelle, Rundgren Radio & The Band for yet another Todd Highlight.
And by the way Todd, we love you in Albuquerque too!