I had seen the show in Englewood, NJ the night before, opening night for the Johnson tour. The show was great, and the playlist was lots of fun. I could tell that they knew their chops, but first night jitters, it didn't always gel as crisply as I am sure TR was aiming for. The Salisbury show brought it all together and they ROCKED THE HOUSE.
Lots of love and double entendres, the show was a good 2 hours and they barely stopped for a sip of water. Jesse broke two or three strings and played his usual amazing show; todd looked great, played a great show, and introduced his new friend; kasim was serious and focused (although sweet and tasty ); and prairie was rock solid and was a ball of fire as always.
If you love blues rock, you will definitely enjoy this tour. In fact, I hope he extends his Johnson tour and comes back my way for a few more shows. Several of the venues here on the east have sold out shows for todd's Johnson tour.
After the show, one fellow told todd that the 'arena' cd was the best music he had ever heard in his life. There are some great songs on that one. If any one close to tr reads this post, I nominate 'strike' from that cd to enter the line up of the Johnson tour. I think it still has the potential to be a great arena song, it just needs to get out there more.
In NJ someone remarked that he thought that all this touring and people coming to the shows was getting "cultish. it occurred to me that people spend thousands of dollars on one ticket to see the stones or U2. and there are probably (at least) 10 bands that have young people following them all over the country . So now that we are older we can't be young at heart? To me, TR is someone that has stayed on purpose in life, his message is constant and deep. I can't think of a better role model. and considering how underpaid and appreciated at my job, thank god todd comes around as much as he does.
Enjoy todd's Johnson songs.