Akron 9-6-09 review

Review by Eric Lund (Switch to

I've posted a few reviews here over the years and while I'm not sure I can add much to all the well deserved kudo's expressed by everyone else, this show was so amazing that I just had to post Something...Anything.

I'm sure I was probably one of only a lucky few in attendance in Akron who also happened to see the first AWATS tour back in 1973. It was my first Todd show (I've seen about 70 since) and best I've been able to determine that tour only lasted a few dates until technical problems shut the whole thing down. The tour was so brief not many old Toddheads even remember it happening. The show that I saw was in Allentown Pa. in a gymnasium at Allentown College. The tickets were $2 and the show featured quadrophonic sound. Hearing the opening of "International Feel" buzz around the room- and my head- is something I've never forgotten. I also remember ray gun guitars (or was it keyboards?) and Hunt Sales on drums with the skunk hair before Todd perfected the look many years later. Anyway, with virtually everyone in the crowd expecting tunes from Something/Anything, AWATS was a shock to the crowd that night. Todd had me at Hello...it's me

Now, almost 40 years later, I had the amazing opportunity to see it all again. What a performance!!! It was better than I expected mostly because I never thought Todd would be able to pull off the sound, the vibe and the drama of what I consider to be his greatest ever recording. How often does a performer exceed your greatest hopes? Not very often, in my experience. I was so worked up after Utopia (NuTopia) came out that part of me was thinking it just couldn't get any better. I should have known better by now than to underestimate Todd. It ranked right up there with my favorite show of all time...the birthday show at Wollman rink in Central Park in '74.

All the other reviews have details about the show so I won't repeat them here. I've never heard him perform "Is it my name" and the entire weekend in Akron was worth it to me to see him perform that one song alone. Can't wait for the DVD/CD

In closing, the entire TR experience this weekend really brought home what our little community is all about...amazing music, a reminder of all the lifetime friendships made through our special connection, and an enduring admiration for Todd. Special thanks to my wife who came along for the experience and allowed me to turn our wedding anniversary weekend into such a great memory....in Akron Ohio, of all places. Go figure.

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9/06/2009 - Akron Civic Theater - Akron, OH

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