Muskegon Summer Celebration

Review by Pat Andrews (Switch to

Arrived with 25 family members on a hot day with a nice breeze coming off the lake at 7:00. Walked around the outdoor venue just to enjoy seeing the large crowd at a Todd show. They had no idea what was about to hit them. Same set list, not sure why TNC site keeps posting it after every show? Sat with my family in great seats for about 5 songs when Todd spoke to the crowd for the first time,"welcome to Mosquito National Park", which is funny because a lot of us from this area call Muskegon-Mosquito. The welcome was enough for my sister-in-law and I to leave mom behind (it was her 75th b-day) with the rest of the family and wiggle our way to the front, well close we got three rows deep. Anyways great show you could tell the guys were feeding off the large crowd and really enjoying playing in front of an enthusiastic,dancing,singing large crowd. I asked two officers' how many people they thought were there, they said probably 15,000, wow! The local paper (Muskegon Chronicle) reported 13,500.Show ended with the band playing "Let the Good Times Roll" to fireworks overhead, very cool. Off to Lansing on tuesday.

Check out the Muskegon, a lot of things about the show including an o.k. review from Larry, though it becomes obvious he knows' nothing about the band accept for Ric Ocasek isn't there. He also calls Todd the eccentric frontman and suggests,( was he on something?) Please check it out and let Larry know what you think of that remark, I did.

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7/08/2007 - Muskegon Summer Celebration - Muskegon, MI

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