The show started with Debbi Harry coming out looking quite smart in her local garb. I kept commenting to my friend ( 10 years younger than I am) that "SHE IS SIXTY!!!" SIXTY! All I can say is, I wanna BE Blondie when I'm 60! WOW! Her voice was clear and clean. She still moves too, a little slower perhaps, but she moves. So many hits.
And every Cars song a hit! I have never even OWNED a Cars record, and I knew ALL the songs... yes... this means I am old.
Awesome? Maybe not so much. Not if you can remember Todd's nimble guitar solos and piercing,soulful vocals. That is...unless you haven't been treated by Todd's beautiful live voice in such a long time. Unless you didn't get to re-live, for just a second, the freedom of your youth. If the sound of THE MAN didn't just take you back a bit, to a time when you HAD time to drive 100's of miles(for something other than carpool) and sleep on cement and wait in lines and meet amazing people and sit in the front row. To me? Yeah... it was AWESOME.
Laurie Probsdorfer