Fan reviews for Todd Rundgren, Joe Jackson and Ethel 2005
06/08/2005 - Usher Hall - Edinburgh, Scotland
Allan Hardie
(Review) (6/08/2005)
Andrew Hepburn
(Review) (6/09/2005)
Ben Rose
(Review) (6/09/2005)
Sunday Mail [Pre-publicity]
(Review) (6/05/2005)
Edinburgh Evening News
(Review) (6/09/2005)
Gordon Lundie
(Review) (6/10/2005)
Julie Ward
(Review) (6/16/2005)
(Commentary) (6/08/2005)
Murray Rogers
(Review) (6/09/2005)
Multiple Papers
(Review) (6/13/2005)
Paul Dickinson
(Review) (6/12/2005)
(Review) (6/10/2005)
The Scotsman
(Review) (6/05/2005)
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