Sage, Gateshead

Review by Vaughan Lonsdale (Switch to

After seeing the York show it was great to hear a change in the set list from TR especially 'Nightmare', 'Cliche', complete with broken string (he vocally added the top string 'bling' in the chorus bit - very funny) 'Soul Bro' and 'Black and White', twice, after another broken string at which there were roars of laughter from the crowd including 'do you fancy going for a pint?' shout and TR having a chuckle at the whole thing which meant he cracked up a couple of times on the piano. it's better not to get too serious about performances and if a string breaks/you fluff the chords, just get on with it. Remember, people are very forgiving.

Very relaxed atmosphere and a great reaction from the crowd. It's a shame the venue chose to employ dicks to enforce the no photograph ruling including stopping people on the way out and making them delete photos from a camera phone for one punter! We had 2nd row seats and could have got some great shots if it wasn't for the red shirts.

The main man was fine voice and great performances from the whole troop. If I had one moan it's that 'Foamy' was a bit low in the mix at the end and the processed sound was a bit ropey but so what.

Looking forward to the next tour.

Other reviews for Todd Rundgren, Joe Jackson and Ethel 2005
06/06/2005 - The Sage - Newcastle, England

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