commentary on reviews...colston hall and general

Commentary by Will Greenwood (Switch to

I've been following the reviews and commentaries on this tour, and It is sometimes fascinating to read what some other people want or expect from this 'Todd Rundgren' chap!

I have been a 'devotee', for want of a better word for almost 30 years, and, due to being poor and living in the UK, I didn't get to see him until 'Liars' last year in Bristol.

If I were to think like some of the reviewers here, I would have been expecting a twenty year old Todd, playing every song off every album, and aging before my eyes into the Todd I Wanted him to be!

Get a grip!

This is an artist, who has told us so often how 'human' and fallible he is...just like all of us.

As an artist, its up to HIM what he does with the music!

If he treats us with disdain, then thats him...thats how he feels...and its the way he feels that makes this wonderful music what it is.

In other words, he's earned the right to be laid back and dismissive....fair exchange if we get 'Hawking', 'pretending to care'.... 'Healing'........etc etc ad infinitum.

I, for one am really glad to have seen the Bristol show, and although the 'loud woman' was annoying, it made me realise how we ALL have our own relationship with Mr.Rundgren....and because he isn't 'real' in our everyday lives, just his music, we should be careful not to over criticise a modest (ish) Genius...whilst assuring we dont deify him in the process.

Todd is just stunning, even when he is offhand....remember, its the anger, the pain of something, somewhere that manifests the explodiong guitar solos.... or that chorus on 'Liar!'

What exists on the records is exactly that...a record of past events,...any new version should evolve with the performer. So don't be dissappointed if the song sounds different, its alive!

My main concern is that Todd remembers us in the UK when he tours again. I waited 28 years to see Todd....he was old, a bit overweight and seemed shorter than I'd imagined.......and I FUCKING LOVED IT!!!!!

See you soon, I hope, Todd....keep up the good work!

Other reviews for Todd Rundgren, Joe Jackson and Ethel 2005
05/31/2005 - Colston Hall - Bristol, England

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