Portsmouth Guildhall 31.5.05

Review by Howlin Penny Wyatt (Switch to

Tonight's show was a warm, lovely experience and was preceded by an uplifting get-together with new Todd friends and it's going to be a long time before this one fades from both Pete's and my memory.

Chatting in the pub beforehand and taking photos in an almost childlike fashion led us on to a wonderful show courtesy of Jo, Todd and Ethel. All three acts were fab and it was wonderful to see and hear them all at the top of their game. Some of the US reviews had been tense to say the least but tonight Todd was professional, witty and engaging and he didn't in our eyes, put a foot wrong. Pete is going to comment on the Bristol show so here's Todd's Portsmouth set list in case it hasn't been posted.

Love of a Common Man
I Don't Wanna Tie You Down
Black and White
I Saw the Light
Song of the Viking
Hello It's Me
Bang the Ukelele
AfterLife ( on acoustic guitar)

Pretending to Care (with Ethel) Black Maria (with Joe/Ethel) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (with Joe/Ethel co- sung with Joe)

Other reviews for Todd Rundgren, Joe Jackson and Ethel 2005
05/30/2005 - Guild Hall - Portsmouth, England

Other reviews for overall Todd Rundgren, Joe Jackson and Ethel 2005

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