commentary-reply to roger

Commentary by minton43 (Switch to

thank you for the support youve shown for tr-your review was well executed-ive been a todd fan since 1974 when i was introduced to todd on a reel-to-reel tape-and through the headphones came the most unusual sounds-this wasnt music-not ordianry music-but pure orchestration-sounds from things other than traditional instruments-who knew that years later some music would be completely replaced by this sort of thing-again i was a fortunate member of an audience to witness a sober (i guess) todd-im anxious to see whats written about the european part of this tour-sorry to the folks who feel theyve be let down by this tour-nobodys perfect but were all nearly human and that cant tie us down-

Other reviews for Todd Rundgren, Joe Jackson and Ethel 2005
05/20/2005 - Luther Burbank Center - Santa Rosa, CA

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