Review by Michael A Mancini (Switch to

Flew to SD to see JJ/TR. First time for JJ; lost count since 74 to see TR.

First sold out TR show I've been to in a long, long while, and that in it of itself, was a treat (though certainly JJ gets at least half credit for the sell out).

Loved the finale. it was just great the way they all gelled (thanks to Conan for previewing the show and making me want to fly out). Still would have liked at least a brief guitar solo from TR, but that's ok. I think the overall show would go up a big notch if the whole gang was out the whole time....but.....

JJ was cool simply splendid/cool. TR played pretty flawless, save for a (sorry folks) wretched Afterlife---voice/guitar seemed out of tune and the guitar/vocals seemed to be for entirely different songs. whatever, it's LIVE and occasional bombs happen. For the first time, ever, bang/uke was interesting. the "a...eeeeee's" can be way to shrill sometimes, i'm glad he steps back more these days!

I could have completely missed the opening Ethel by themselves, but maybe the open air and daylight was not the venue for their twist on chamber music. Indeed, i couldn't help but want the whole night a bit louder, if for no other reason to drown out the perennial idiots that, for some reason, go to live shows so they can sit with friends and tell them (loudly) about their troubles and, always, about how they've had way too much to drink (no kidding). ugh.

Overall I'm very glad I went, and loved it. I'll be in Rome when they are there end of June, and I am oddly equivocal on whether or not to try and squeeze that in. we'll see. it's an intriguing option. since the venue in Rome won't sell tickets until 2 weeks before the show, I have time to figure it out!

Other reviews for Todd Rundgren, Joe Jackson and Ethel 2005
05/18/2005 - Humphrey's Concerts By The Bay - San Diego, CA

Other reviews for overall Todd Rundgren, Joe Jackson and Ethel 2005

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