I was so appalled by some of the "fan" reviews from Todd's Melbourne,
Florida show that I had to write in. I can't believe that anyone could
claim to be a long-term fan and then write some of the most snide and
rancorous comments imaginable. It even seemed that some people enjoyed
going into graphic detail as they ripped him to shreds and actually
scolded him for his lack of perfection. Is this what is considered
"cool" nowadays? Maybe people are amused to see this kind of caustic
commentary on American Idol, but I can't believe that anyone could make
the same kind of callous remarks about an artist they've admired for
many years. If I see a poor show I instantly wonder what unfortunate
circumstances caused it and feel badly for the performer, as it must be
embarrassing. I've always thought that Todd fans appreciated his
superior level of musicality and cleverly crafted and sensitive lyrics;
to me he is sort of a "musician's musician." I guess I shouldn't assume
that all of his fans "get it."
Each year I worry that Todd could decide to retire and that we would get
no more of his beautiful songs to listen to and/or lose the chance to
see him perform live. Luckily so far he values the connection enough
not to stop what he is doing. When I saw his own review of the
Melbourne show it seemed obvious that he was so hurt by some of the
reviews that he felt he needed to explain the shortcomings. Foolish
people to put him on the spot like that! Do you want to risk driving
him away? I can only hope he doesn't believe the majority of his fans
think that way. I don't want to believe that people can be so fickle.
To quote Todd:
"And they turn off all the light that you are giving away. And they
burn off, but they just don't seem to shine. Is it all gone? Is there
no one who will shine?"
If you really love him at least give him a little more credit.