In my opinion the month‚s rest before the UK shows have done the band a lot of good as Todd & The Liars band were a very tight band and were playing at top form. I have to single out Prairie Prince who‚s drumming was absolutely superb.
I love the Liars cd with the songs sounding even better with a band. The set list was what we have come to expect with the addition of Love Science.
If I really had to complain about anything it would be the security staff that didn‚t want anyone to stand up or look like they were enjoying themselves too much.
The stage, lighting costumes were great we got the same show as the Americans, which was all we could ask for.
It was a lot to take in last night, especially after 10 years but the memories of last night‚s show will remain with me for a long time.
I really have to give the gig 10/10
Roll on Manchester