On to the show, our tickets were messed up so instead of 5th row center we ended up in the balcony. Nice view and sound just far away and we had to suffer some boneheads that had come for Back to the Bars 2004. This was stop 2 on my " Road to Toddtopia " tour and everything was much better than in Columbus several weeks ago. Todd came out in the black hood and platform boots and rocked from start to finish. The fist half was very intense and the new songs Truth, Mammon and Liar are excellent. Todd has found a way to scream during Liars and have the liting sweetness to sing Flaw which has become a crowd sing along favorite. It's also where many of the people who came unaware or unprepared get lost or leave. Love Science was the best and Kaz's voice makes that shine. Feel It, Buffalo Grass and While My Gutiar were outstanding and hearing Kaz sing background on Fascist Christ sounded so very Utopia-esque. I guess by now you know what a great show this is and if you hav en't been you gotta go! If you don't have a copy of Liars yet what are you waiting for?!
Sing shout it
tell the world about it
The Truth is Sweet!