This time, the cape came off immediately after Truth. I was bummed, the cape really does it for me. So does the skirt, and there was no skirt either. Though in the second set costume change he came out in a red, gold, and black pin striped suit. Todd mentioned they were his high school colors.
During Liars, I saw the strobe lights for the first time and it makes it equally powerful. By the time he gets to Lunatic Fringe he has pretty much lost his voice but was able to recover much of it towards the end of the show. During Born to Synthesize while Todd yelling a few words of his schtick, jesse replies the same sounds with his guitar. It was really great. And then finally my last observation of the three shows i've just seen is that during Just One Victory, I keep expecting Todd to say in the end "WE...LOVE...YOU" but he doesn't.
There was a drunk in the audience that plowed his way to the front, making many leave their spot to avoid being fallen on or whatever else. it was a shame because it started during Feel It and it sort of set the tone to keep one eye on the freak and one eye on the show. What a distraction. There were other distractions for me. My husband was taking pictures with his digital and some security guy plowed his way towards us during Past and he smashed right into my right breast to get to John. Asking if our camera was video or just stills. We told him twice it was stills only but he was still in my face and breast. He finally left us alone.
Set List:
Truth Buffalo Grass Mammon Facist Christ ISP Unloved Children While My Giutar Gently Weeps God Said Liar Beloved Infidel Lunatic Fringe Green Onions Soul Brother Sweet PaSt Synthesize Feel It Want Of A Nail Hello It's Me Just One VictorySee you all in the fall for the west coast shows!