Set up of the show was odd, especially it being a seated venue where you can't stand and bop around. i was fourth row center section, left aisle, and jesse was directly in my line of vision (and his mandarin costume was just the coolest frikkin thing ever) but he was blocked if TR was standing at his mic. the main arch blocked my view of Kasim on the left and John on the right, and Prairie's head was hidden behind a giant cymbal. So it basically looked more like TR with faceless backup band. Lights were ok but i don't see what the fuss is about.
Howevah, as far as "show" goes, it was a pure knockout. TR's voice barely faltered once, there were minor glitches: TR's mic went out for a few lines during God Said, which was mildly distressing, NOT a song to lose sound on; there were some weird screechy bad cd-r sounds coming from the guitar during Beloved Infidel and Kasim looked genuinely befuddled with his keyboard during Past (i think , it might have been Sweet.)
Liar and Mammon were HARD and loud and the band looked like they were having a blast getting through it, Soul Brother was everything i wanted and more. the crowd really seemed to know the new stuff, and other than someone yelling out for Hamburger Hell, i couldn't gauge any disappointment in the set list. Want of a Nail was a crowd fave, and this was my very very first time hearing JOV live in person and it was a very special moment.
I'm looking forward to Webster Hall, just to see the show again naturally but also because i really can't wait to stand and dance....this music is too loud and too fun to sit along to. THIS is the show you take your friends to, THIS is the show that's going to make them understand why we follow this man and his music to the extent that we do. Todd looks great, he's in shape, (his hair looks a lot better than it did in the earlier photos) the band is tight as a drum, the drums shake their little burned out chapel like you're afraid it's gonna fall to the ground....and they really look like they're all enjoying doubt this is the best music the whole band will play all year.