"Truth" opened the show again with the band merging into the song in progress. After nabbing Herman Munsters boots and wrapped in a cloak of immortality, Todd enters center stage, a true star evoking the muse who obviously tonite was ready to rock !!
I was glad I saw both shows. I liked this one the best due to the fact that Todd went to his guitar early in the set and just blazed. The band seemed much more confident and just played great the whole night. "Liars" and "Mammon" hit hard and fit in with the more aggressive nature of tonites show. The leads on :"While my guitar gently weep" were inspired. This concert just rocked. In contrast, Todds' singing and the bands playing of "The Past" was trancendant. I feel lucky to have witnessed this performance in person. Todds' solo section was light-years better tonite.
"Infidels" was magic.
The last part of the show had the band returning in their super-funk heroes attire and did a great jam on "Superstition" until Todd flowed back on stage in the most hideous cool orange day-glo suit.
Tonite the set seemed to focus more on the groove and flow of the songs, pumping out the funk "Soul brother", leading us through mutated versions of the hits and on to "Just one victory" and "World-wide Epiphany".
I hope the best of these two cleveland concerts show up in some form in the future, if not I'll never forget this show tonite. The dream goes on forever.