Review by Artyphd (Switch to

We arrived late and found many people outside on a beautiful night. We wereœall excited to see Todd again, even with the same concert that he has been giving forœthe past year. Todd has the most loyal fan base. This was my third concert this year.

He came out talking about the war and sung "Lysistrata" and then Cliche. The play-list is already on-line. He broke strings on both guitars (no "roadie" ), played piano well (Compassion was grand) and continued to be in fine voice. It never ceases to amaze me how we love to see even these repeated shows.

Many fans asked Todd during the concert to play something new, so he obliged with a totally made up rendition of something, goofed on the audience and continued to be in rare form in terms of talking/interacting with the audience. This can be a scary moment with everyone shouting out different song requests which usually winds up with Todd not even doing one encore re: Town Hall.

I wonder why he didn't do something from the new CD or even "One Long Year". Oh Well. The highlight of the night in terms of emotion and focus was Todd's rendition of "What's Going On", I don't think I've ever heard him sing that with so much emotion. He was clearly speaking to the war, loss of life and the futility of it all.

He also continued to start every song with the phrase "Come Away with Me"......, a reference to Norah Jones perhaps and all her "Grammys" . An on-line interview with Todd referenced her.

All said, it was still an amazing night, amazing music and a legend that still can crank it out. Kudos to you Todd, our dream goes on forever...........

Other reviews for Miscellaneous Dates 2003
7/30/2003 - Westbury Music Fair - Westbury, NY

Other reviews for overall Solo dates 2003

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