Todd in Ashland, Kentucky

Review by Linda and Freddy Modad (Switch to

Freddy and I drove to Ashland from Princeton, WV to see Todd. It was my third time, Freddy's fourth. Freddy first saw Todd in 1974 in Roanoke, Va. It was 2000 before seeing Todd again, in D.C. at Jaxx (a seven hour drive) and again February 9 (2003) on Mountain Stage in Charleston, WV. Todd's show in DC was superb…a religious experience. Mountain Stage was very good, a little strange though, because of the (too) many performers, the “live” for radio and TV broadcast aura, and the technical difficulties. The Paramount Theater in Ashland was so quaint. The employees were so friendly and helpful aiding us to our third row seats. There was even live Appalachian music in the lobby. We met up with some nice folks in Ashland that we had met in Charleston.

Todd was superb... his voice in fine form; beautiful...another "religious experience". Todd commenced to finish a song he was unable to in Charleston due to the technical difficulties called "WV Gals". Now, I being from the great state that is ‘wild and wonderful', was taken aback by this. The song was written around 1926-27 and it sheds a negative light on our state of WV, so it gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling when some folks in the balcony booed. But I admit it WAS funny.

Todd played for about two hours with two encores. He played piano, guitar, uke, and taped music. His voice was stunning. His humor was delightful, not really wanting to "get me started" about anything political. The Beatles cover tunes were a nice touch, but his own "Hello it's me" was very special.

After the show, a crowd gathered at the area of which he would be exiting. Freddy and I had our photo made with him for the third time. I brought a photo of Todd on Mountain Stage of which he signed, "To Linda, West Virginia Gal –TR 2003". Freddy gave his own solo jazz guitar CD to Todd which he seemed very glad to get, as he said they had already listened to everything they brought with them.

If you haven't seen Todd Rundgren, I recommend it highly and hope that he comes to this venue again. Love you Todd!

Other reviews for Miscellaneous Dates 2003
4/4/2003 - Paramount Theatre - Ashland, KY

Other reviews for overall Solo dates 2003

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