Charleston, WV Review

Review by John Branning (Switch to

My wife and I are big Richard X. Heyman fans (and, of course, TR maniacs), so when we heard from Nancy Heyman that they'd be on the bill at Mountain Stage WITH Todd, our heads just about exploded. We'd seen Todd in Asheville the Sunday before, thoroughly enjoying that show, so were excited by the prospect of seeing him twice in one week (as opposed to once every 6 or 7 years).

Anthony Rogers did a good job of capturing the overall feel of the show. I will add that the Heymans gave a great performance - they dressed the part of 60's power popsters, all resplendent in velour, frock coats, cool boots. RXH is often compared to TR in reviews, so if you haven't checked out Richard yet, be sure to do so soon.

Todd's voice was very strong on Mountain Stage - we thought he'd sung well in Asheville, but he sounded terrific on the broadcast. That will be a treat for everyone. The most exciting part of the evening for us was getting to hang out backstage/downstairs after the show, courtesy of the Heymans. While we were waiting for them to come along, who did my wife spy but Our Hero, having a casual chat with Steve Forbert! She walked over, with me trailing puppy-like, and we all shook hands and exchanged a few pleasant words. Todd was smiling and gracious (as was S.F.). Nancy Heyman had, of course, met Todd during the show and was as much of a raving fan as any of us "regular" people - she also said he was quite warm and accommodating to everybody backstage. Chris Arduser, who drummed with Heyman, is yet another big-time Todd fan (he works Todd's name into one of the lyrics on his latest solo CD, "Hostage", and you can hear some Todd-like chord progressions in a few of his tunes).

Later, back at the hotel (how many rock 'n' roll tales contain this phrase?), my wife saw Todd's roadie in the lobby - he said they were leaving for Columbus, Ohio that night (close to 11 P.M.). No show scheduled for the next day, so either TR had another committment there, or else was perhaps trying to make connections for an early flight home - ? In any event, so much for the glamorous travelling life of a Major Pop Star. And they were going to be driving through snow and windy conditions. Yikes! I trust everybody made it where they were going safely.

Anyway - looking forward to Part 2 of the tour! Maybe we'll try for the hat trick this year...

Other reviews for Miscellaneous Dates 2003
2/9/2003 - Mountain Stage - Charleston, WV

Other reviews for overall Solo dates 2003

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