But... (enter "everybody's a critic" mode)
For me, the show didn't really hit its stride until TR tossed that stupid jacket and the glasses. That's when I found the music/performance connection that I came for. However, this unveiling unfortunately did not occur until the last song. My reaction was "Finally, Todd, welcome to your own show. Nice to see you were under there somewhere."
The thought crossed my mind that they might be prescription glasses. (I've noticed he has been wearing glasses these days in a lot of pictures.) I wish they were not shaded though, as I really miss that sense of eye contact. Quite ironic, I thought, as he sang "fix your gaze on me, I need to see your eyes."
After the show, I was talking with my wife about how I have not had the sense of intimacy or "flow" experiences that I used to count on a TR concert for since maybe the pod tour. I don't know if this is why, but in reflection, that was probably the last show of his that I saw where he didn't have sunglasses on. Or maybe I've just changed, grown-up, whatever. Somehow I doubt that though.