Having only got into Todd in the last couple of years (I'm 33, shamefully) and being from the other side of the pond (Manchester, England) I was eager to learn more about my new musical hero. I've gone overboard for Todd in a BIG way, from 0-60 in a few months and am now virtually obsessed with his musical output. If a day goes by without me hearing or at least thinking about a Todd track, it's a rare day indeed. Anyway, the arrangement of the book follows a traditional style for the most part, sketching over Todd's early years but giving an insight into why he followed the path he did. Once we get into the Nazz days, the central reason why the book doesn't quite get right into the heart of the Rundgren story becomes clear; we only have his band-mates and associates word to go off. And in the case of Moogy Klingman, he's got plenty to say, not all of it complimentary. In fact, you'd almost get the feeling that he's the star of the show the way he chuffs on.
Having said that, I lapped it up, especially the chapter concerning "Something/Anything" in my view a work of utter genius which should have eclipsed anything McCartney or Lennon etc ever put out. The reasons why Todd never became the international megastar he should have are obvious to me now having read the book, so on that level the book did exactly what it said on the tin, for me. I am looking forward to "Part Two", I just hope that Billy James gets himself a few proof readers and a better editor/any editor!