Badfinger - Straight Up

Review by Bill Bricker (Switch to

I have spun the Badfinger tale so many times I have decided to go another route ("what is this? some kind of hoax or sumthin/?").

Straight Up is the second most often played Todd production behind the Tubes Remote Control (Side note: VH-1 "Where Are They Now" did the tubes and made no mention of Prairie playing on the WaT tour but did say he does set designs for Shania Twain. Maybe they didn't want to mention TR because HE'S in the WATN category, too (?)).

There is not a dud song on the disc, but extra sentimental value comes from my distinct memory of "Baby Blue" being one of my all time favs on the radio long before I knew or cared "who played what". It is one of those songs that I can distinctly remember hearing on a particular day and time: tooling around with my big brother in a 1963 Rambler station wagon. It was proof to me before the fact that I really simply liked his work.

Since Todd never reached the fame in terms of name recognition as most of the acts he produced, it is another vicarious thrill for me to know that people enjoy the results of his work without knowing him. Solidifies that secret cult aspect for the initiates.

It took a long, long time for SU to make it to CD, but the result was worth the wait. Great liner notes (with ample TR reference, and double versions of many of the songs (wish they'd do that for bands like Kansas where the short radio versions are more familiar).

Long/short: if you like the Beatles and TR, then BF's SU is a must-have.


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