This has to be my favorite Utopia CD of them all. I got my copy a couple
years ago from a record store that is my summer haven (I could spend all
day there) for $5.00 still wrapped (what a deal) and still listen to it
quite a bit.
- Itch In My Brain
- This is in my top ten list of Utopia songs. It is a very catchy song with
it's lyrics of "I've got an itch in my brain, and I can't get at it"
- Love With A Thinker
- This song is one I have a hard time thinking of something to say about.
All I can really say is that it is very comical hearing about the struggle
of loving someone who is "smarter".
- If I Didn't Try
- The lyrics are great to this song. It really shows that you should try new
- Too Much Water
- A very energentic song. Another one of my favorites. Kasim and Todd do a
great job on the vocals.
- Maybe I Could Change
- What else can I say other than the lyrics are great and it is a pretty
- Crybaby
- My #1 favorite Utopia song ever!!! I love everything about it. My mother
and I can't get enough of ths song. As for the best part of the song, I
love the third verse with "So what can you say now...."
- Welcome To My Revolution
- Another one of my top ten favs. The lyrics are dark and show that life
isn't always great. Another very catchy song.
- Winston Smith Takes It On The Jaw
- Extremely catchy. After hearing it, even when I didn't know the lyrics I
was humming it so much that I finally went home and listened to it so much
that I HAD to remember the lyrics.
- I Will Wait
- Again, great lyrics
As you can tell, I really like this album.
Sarah Merchant