
Review by Sarah Merchant (Switch to

This has to be my favorite Utopia CD of them all. I got my copy a couple years ago from a record store that is my summer haven (I could spend all day there) for $5.00 still wrapped (what a deal) and still listen to it quite a bit.

Itch In My Brain
This is in my top ten list of Utopia songs. It is a very catchy song with it's lyrics of "I've got an itch in my brain, and I can't get at it"

Love With A Thinker
This song is one I have a hard time thinking of something to say about. All I can really say is that it is very comical hearing about the struggle of loving someone who is "smarter".

If I Didn't Try
The lyrics are great to this song. It really shows that you should try new things.

Too Much Water
A very energentic song. Another one of my favorites. Kasim and Todd do a great job on the vocals.

Maybe I Could Change
What else can I say other than the lyrics are great and it is a pretty song.

My #1 favorite Utopia song ever!!! I love everything about it. My mother and I can't get enough of ths song. As for the best part of the song, I love the third verse with "So what can you say now...."

Welcome To My Revolution
Another one of my top ten favs. The lyrics are dark and show that life isn't always great. Another very catchy song.

Winston Smith Takes It On The Jaw
Extremely catchy. After hearing it, even when I didn't know the lyrics I was humming it so much that I finally went home and listened to it so much that I HAD to remember the lyrics.

I Will Wait
Again, great lyrics

As you can tell, I really like this album.

Sarah Merchant

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