Todd Rundgren's Utopia

Review by Toby Thomas (Switch to

I meant to find the time for two weeks but never got around to it so... just can't let the Initiation time-period slip through my occupied fingers without at least a brief mention:

The very first TR album I bought sometime in 1976! I don't find song by song reviews that interesting at this point; rather, our personal experiences or observations that are unique regarding songs/albums/concerts. In a nutshell, hearing Real Man open the album and then listening to side 2s brainy and technical workout, I was hooked by the combination of the blue-eyed soul confessional ( that I could certainly relate to) and the instrumental wizardry. I think I've always been an extremist, and I was intrigued by such extreme styles and lyrics contained throughout. And at the end of Treatise, when the opening theme revives, and the guitar weaving solos kick in... have you ever heard such joyous guitar playing before? It's so subtle yet,,, there it is... revealed.


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