[Awizard] The ToddCast

Roger D. Linder roger at rocemabra.com
Wed Jun 22 16:01:53 EDT 2005

I'm seeking partners to develop a podcast tentatively to be called 
"The ToddCast" which will be made available through the TR 
Connection. Specifically I need:

* A "radio-voiced" person or persons to do the actual podcast
* Writers to develop content
* Advisors/Correspondents to suggest/review content

I will act as executive producer and provide the software/site to 
distribute the podcast.

If you're interested and want to provide an "audition tape" (actually 
an MP3 of you doing what you think might be good content) please let 
me know. I plan to put some of these auditions out as the initial 
podcasts and maybe take a few advisory votes.

If you put together some material and would like to upload it to the 
TR Connection FTP service, please send it, via ftp to 
ftp.TRConnection.com, using

Username: anonymous
Password: Your e-mail address

Place files in the incoming/ToddCast directory

If you use a modern ftp client (including IE 6.0 under Windows) the 
following URL will put you in the right place


or alternatively, send a URL (not the file itself) where your MP3 
file may be picked up to ToddCast at TRConnection.com
Roger D. Linder, The TR-i Fan Formerly known as RDL22
Roger's Page <http://www.rocemabra.com/roger/>

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