The International Todd Rundgren Fan Database

The International Todd Rundgren Fan Database was established in December 1998 to facilitate the communication between Todd Rundgren fans. All information collected is kept confidential and is released only according to your instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions (English Only)

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Private Fan ID #8504365-13
This number is used only by you to update your information, it should not be released to anyone else. For convenience purposes, it has been saved as a "Cookie" on those browsers that support cookies
Private/Public Field NameField Entry
Name: First, Middle (or initial), Last
E-mail address
TRTV Handle
TRC Forums Username
Fan Since
Mailing address
State or Province
ZIP or Postal Code


Phone Number Country Code Area/City Code Number
I would like to receive occasional TR-related news items via E-mail
I would like to subscribe to the ToddFest/West information mailing list
I was a subscriber to Utopia Times
I am or was a subscriber to Black & White
I am or was a subscriber to Rock Love
I am or was a subscriber to One World (Japan)
I am or was a subscriber to Special Interest (Italy)

More to come!

If you are interested in providing a translation from English to your native language, please contact Roger Linder

The Occasional TR News archive

The Todd Rundgren Connection is brought to you by Roger D. Linder & The Linder Logo Rocemabra Web Services.