
Commentary by GARRETT STAPLETON (Switch to

I totally agree with Eric Lund's comments. I would love to hear TR play the songs he listed as well as 'We Gotta Get You A Woman' which I know he's never played. What Todd doesn't seem to get is these songs take us back to earlier, happier (?) times. I know no artist wants to be stuck in a certain mold, but Todd has obviously avoided that. It's no longer a concern (or shouldn't be). I've been a 'cult member' since '72 and have supported him on every release. But, I do agree his solo shows have been basically the same songs for YEARS, which made Liars (the CD and tour) such a delightful surprise. And 'Bang the Drum' doesn't make it into my top 100! So, in conclusion, come on Todd! Your followers will always love and support you in ANYTHING you do, so how about listening to this base and maybe acquiesce?

Thanks for this forum...............Garrett Stapleton

Other reviews for Todd Rundgren, Joe Jackson and Ethel 2005
04/13/2005 - Maxwell C. King Center - Melbourne, FL

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