Todd plays birthplace of 'Tommy Gun'" inventor.

Review by Dan Williams (Switch to

The Southgate House in Newport Ky. is historic indeed, check out their web site. I was thrilled when I heard Todd was playing there. Aside from being less than 3 miles from my home, it's one of my favorite places to see a show. I work for a local TV station, ICN6 in neighboring Covington and was lucky enough to land a short interview with Todd before the sound check.

After I was totally drained from my Ashland trip and the emotion of trying to stay grounded while interviewing the most important figure in modern music. Not to mention my own personal hero and mentor.

I didn't write down the set list, but it was the usual alternate set from the Ashland show. I just wanted to relax and enjoy the show. I could tell from the first few songs Todd was in excellent form. He proceeded to play one of the most stellar solo sets I've ever heard. His voice was as good as I've ever heard it and his playing was dead on. He is truly one of the most under-rated guitar players of all time. I do wish he had played electric guitar on some of the songs.

An odd thing happen just before "Beloved Infidel". He said his usual bit about free speech not being anti American, which brought cheers and applause in Ashland, brought dead silence in Newport. I'm proud to say I was one of 2 people there who applauded. Todd then said "At least one person here knows what I'm trying to say". A guy 2 tables down from me starred at me hatefully thru the next 4 songs. Otherwise the crowd was very enthusiastic and responsive to one great song performance after the other. Apart from a few very minor glitches, this was a perfect solo show. "Born To Synthesize" was probably for me the high point, although it's hard to pick just one.

It's an odd thing (sort of) but Ohio loves Todd and he seems to love Ohio. (this show was close enough to Cincinnati to almost be considered an Ohio show) After all it is also as far as I know, the only state that held a fan promoted show (Emery Theater, Cincinnati 8/24/91) which Todd recalled during his venue comments. Needless to say this has been one of my favorite Todd tour experiences.

Other reviews for Miscellaneous Dates 2003
4/6/2003 - The Southgate House - Newport, KY

Other reviews for overall Solo dates 2003

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