
Review by Jules/AngelsLuv (Switch to

Now as for last night in Allentown, PA.......

I am appalled at what occured.. This was the only show in all the years I've been going to multiple shows per/tour that I wish I never travelled to see..

It was sad.. not just for those of us who "appreciate Todd" but more for Todd..

I felt bad for Todd to have gone to that extreme to walk off the stage for the lack of respect "most" of the audience gave him. 3/4th's or more of the audience wouldn't stop talking (loudly) .. Those of us in front were having difficulty hearing him when he was a foot in front of us, let alone Todd being able to hear himself and have enough concentration to be able to play..

I knew pre-show that something like this would happen because of hearing remarks such as:

" All I'm doing is comming here to drink and that the live performance was secondary"

Before Todd walked off, he made numerous remarks about the loudness of the audience, esp. this one idiot (o.k, Todd called him an asshole, not an idiot) at the bar..

Afew minutes after Todd walked off the stage, Jesse came on to ask the crowd that everyone needed to "calm down" and that Todd would return to the stage.

I could NOT believe Todd did come back on stage and when he did, I told him that he should have not returned.. He should have walked off and that would have been "it" ..

He said to the audience that if they came just to drink and didn't want to see, nor hear him to go to the other bar in the venue.

Although the rest of the show was wonderful and the crowd quieted (is that a word?), it was a disgusting event..

As far as the venue itself *Crockodile Rock Cafe".. I will never again go there, on the account of the "attitude" of those who work there (let's exclude what happened with the audience for the moment).. These people were sarcastic, mean, and acted like complete "________ Fill in expitive here _____________".

Other reviews for Solo Dates 2001
10/24/2001 - Crocodile Rock Cafe - Allentown, PA

Other reviews for overall Solo dates 2001

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