Todd at Summerfest, Milwaukee, WI 2001

Review by Louanne Lisk (Switch to

For those of you who don't know what Summerfest is, it is a huge fairgrounds type thing on the lake front in Milwaukee that is largely sponsored by the breweries. Todd and the crew of A Walk Down Abbey Road were playing on the stage at the Miller Oasis which is really just an open air "beer tent" with tons of picnic tables in front of the stage. The show started with "Magical Mystery Tour" while this writer attempted to find a vantage point at which to see the band because everyone at the picnic tables decided to stand on top of the tables to view the show leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves. I eventually copped a spot on the side of the stage at a distance of about 50 feet from Todd proper. I could see his head and torso for most of the show. He was wearing a loose white fluffy shirt and looked like he was glowing as the night went on. Each artist did only one song of their own and Todd chose, "Bang On The Drum." The best part was before the song when he referred to the crowd as "People Of The Cheese!" During the rest of the show he did the lion's share of the lead singing. The first song he sang was "Lady Madonna" followed by "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" on which he sang and played "The Fool" SG and rendered a top notch guitar solo. He brought out the acoustic for "Hide Your Love Away" and my husband decided to call our house from the cell phone and leave a message on our machine of part of this song, but it didn't come out other than the loud "Hey!" everyone joined Todd in singing on the chorus. Todd performed "Rain," which was expected, followed by a rousing rendition of "Revolution." In between some of these songs the band played "Everyone's Got Something To Hide (Except For Me And My Monkey)" and Todd's guitar work was tasty and spot on. He also acted "the fool" on stage during "Fool On The Hill" toddling around and playing assorted percussion items. Following "Revolution" he sang three songs in a row playing the hollow body Rickenbocker: "Day Tripper," "Ticket To Ride" and "I Want to Hold Your Hand." The show closed with "Hey Jude," Todd singing the lead, of course. All throughout the show between songs we were treated to Todd's joking comments. He even said, "Thank you all my little cheese curds!" I for one think that all of the trouble we went through to see Todd was worth it. I even got to purchase a Todd 2000 tour shirt and a Walk Down Abbey Road tour shirt! This was one happy little cheese curd!

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7/3/2001 - Summerfest - Milwaukee, WI

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